Ad View

Definition of Ad View

The instance of an advertisement being seen by a user.

Explanation of Ad View

An ad view, also known as an impression, is a metric that measures the number of times an advertisement is displayed on a digital platform, such as a website, app, or social media feed. Each time an ad is loaded and visible to a user, it counts as an ad view. For example, if a banner ad is displayed on a webpage and the page is viewed 1,000 times, the ad would have 1,000 ad views. Ad views are a fundamental metric for assessing the reach and exposure of an ad campaign. However, not all ad views guarantee that the ad was actually seen by users, which is why viewability metrics are also important. By tracking ad views, businesses can evaluate the effectiveness of their ad placements, understand audience engagement, and optimize their advertising strategies. Ad views help measure the overall impact and performance of digital advertising efforts.

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